Monday, May 26, 2008

for Miss Tree

Mystery shrouds the little teddy
So close and yet invisible
I see better wen my eyes are closed
My comments mean nothing any more
So they're best untold
Sorry, for I cannot unfold. . . .

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Last Waltz

Humiliated, tried and tested
I am pounded by flaming winds
Of criticism, blame and hatred
All this is well fed.
I don’t share my thoughts anymore
I choose not to prove you wrong
You are right.
Am who am I really?

Don’t judge me by your sorrow
I have my own bag of woeful tales
I don’t share my thoughts
For I feel the burden of my destiny
That I have undertaken to change
I brave the storm,
The raging waves hit me hard
I stand still.
Remembering the vow I made
To the one to whom I am
Forever indebted

Whether you’re there, depends on
Whether you’re there, or not.
I may not be perfect,
In fact, I’m sure of that.
But I am who I am.